Oertaal: Oefeningen & The Unreliable Archives in een gedeelde onderzoeksruimte

So, the story of the Oermoeder goes further.

She followed the recepy of the Gods: she created a language and she gave form to de Gelijkaardigen (the Similars).
But they were brutal and run away from her without learning her beautiful language.
As she was angry at the Gods, she decided to make up her own recepy.
She eventually did that and out of the flesh of the Similars she created many generations of creatures.
But they would not keep her company: they would see her only as a Goddess.
She felt betrayed and alone.
Nobody would use with her the beautiful words and forms she prepared.

And then the Nature came to comfort her (in Dutch: om haar te troosten, which sounds really consolatory).
Out of this joyFULLLL embrace, a new creature was born: a son and a daughter, a fish a bird and a cat and a poes.
A MUTAfOrMa: a shapeshifter.
Een gedaanteverwisselaar.

Tekst: Enrica Camporesi –

Stanza – On Proximity. Een artistiek onderzoek door Enrica Camporesi, Rona Kennedy en Mestizo Arts Platform (Fiëbre vzw) met de steun van Rataplan, De Vlaamse Gemeenschap en de Stad Antwerpen.

Foto’s: Karolina Maruszak

Enrica Camporesi en Rona Kennedy in gesprek met Duraid Abbas Ghaieb, Charlotte Peys, Merel Franx, Ahilan Ratnamohan, Kopano Maroga, Katrijn Baeten, Dario Capelle, Steven Brys, …