
Every WIPCOOP edition there are new artists who participate. Here you will find an overview of all artists who have participated since 2009. Since 2019, each of them gets a page. On it you will find information about who they are and which performance they presented as a work in progress (and possibly further realized or will realize later), as well as photos of this. Do you want to know more about an artist, or do you need their contact information? Send us an email.


Michel Kiyombo

Michel Kiyombo followed intensive dance training with Faustin Linyekula, and his solo Masu Kaino was supported by his art center: Les Studios Kabako (Congo).
Michel also danced in Toxuvan Momar N’Diaye, in Debout by Djino Alolo,

Yipoon Chiem

Brussels-based artist Yiphoon Chiem combines influences from martial arts or martial arts such as kung fu, classical Khmer dance, hip-hop and breakdance.

Milo Slayers

Monstrare et/ou Monere.
Milo Slayers introduces you to a fictional monster that traverses various stages of monstrosity.
A multiplicity of perspectives simultaneously unfolds before your eyes.

Awoulath Alougbin

Awoulath Alougbin is a dancer and choreographer.
After her years with the National Ballet of Benin, she founded her own dance company Compagnie AA.
Her performances combine the essence of traditional Yoruba dance with contemporary dance.

Alex Akuete

The term Angel has no sense of existence without its nemesis demon. They both need one-another to become part of existence, so does black need white to exist as Black. CONNECT WITH YOUR DEMONS is the result of an artistic investigation into the inability or unwillingness to connect with our demons, namely that part in […]

Mano Amaro

Mano Amaro, born in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, is a dancer and choreographer.
Between 2010 and 2014, he practiced Ori Dança in Europe and Brazil.
He danced with contemporary companies such as Contém Dança and Nat Gras.
In his solo work, he displays his own dance language, rooted in various Afro-Brazilian styles and contemporary dance.

Zukisa Nante

A wound for one, is a wound for all’. I mean: what is segregation? Imperialism? No, I mean…. The Assignment As a little boy, my father gave me an assignment without direction. ‘Son, you are my first child, a strong boy, with great power.’ As a little boy and as a young adult, I did […]

Younes van den Broeck

Younes van den Broeck (1991) aka Spitler/Spitlart is a word artist, performer and visual artist.
He transforms his social commitment into art, words and images.
His word art is usually socially critical.

Luke Jessop / Ion Tribe

This dance theater duet is based on the evolutionary biology scientific theory of the same name, “The Red Queen.
This theory studies how two species constantly push each other in a race where they both “keep running in the same place.

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Mestizo Arts Platform