Michel Kiyombo


Wipcoop & beyond


I was born matchombe, but today I want to have faith in the grown man I became

Matchombe Yesterday, a small being of 1,100 kg…came into the world very early. Fed by probes, in an incubator, overprotected for my own good, lest anything weaken me more. Today, after 28 years, I have become a man dancing in spaces that would have crushed me yesterday. What remains of the frailty within me, around me Today I am a father myself. What is my fragility today? I was born “matchombe,” but today I want to believe in the grown man I have become and want to inspire my child, erase my afflictions and all the voices in my head.

Concept and play: Michel Kiyombo – Music: Youness Unik – Coach: Tijen Lawton – Greet Vissers – Translations: Greet Vissers, Somalia Williamson.
A production of kunstZ. With the support of Cie MAR GOMEZ, De Grote Post, Les Studios Kabako, Danspunt, Alliance Française de Kisangani and MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM/WIPCOOP.
Michel Kiyombo followed intensive dance training with Faustin Linyekula, and his solo Masu Kaino was supported by his art center: Les Studios Kabako (Congo). Michel also danced in Toxuvan Momar N’Diaye, in Debout by Djino Alolo, in Le manteau by Tchekpo Dan Agbetou. In Belgium.Michel appeared in Le sacre du Printemps (les ballets C de la B), Sur les traces de Dinozord by Faustin Linyekula. He co-choreographed the reworking of Giselle by Akram Khan ism kunstZ in Antwerp and gives dance workshops at De Grote Post.


Pictures: Victoriano Moreno – Video: Soulaiman Sahmaoui

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Mestizo Arts Platform