PLAYS: RELIGION? KITEND! – Jenny Onya Ambukiyenyi

After a fatal accident in the city of Kinshasa Esdras, Chadrak, Lydienne and Kadogo find themselves in a dusty waiting room. Stuck between two worlds, they are confronted with their past. At desperate speed, they search for a way to break free before their human consciousness is completely extinguished.

This multilingual dance-theatre creation takes place in Congo, a country close to Jenny Ambukiyenyi Onya’s heart. Immerse yourself in the world of La Sape (or “Society of Ambianceurs and Elegant People”) and discover unexplored paths! This creation questions the appropriation of the dominant culture and the complexity of post-colonial identities. It offers a model of individual emancipation in which the sapeur reaffirms his identity through his deep connection with Nzambi Ya Mpungu, the embodiment of Beauty in all its forms.

Tekst, Regie en Artistieke Leiding – Ecriture, Mise en Scène et Direction Artistique – Script, Direction and Artistic Director: Jenny Ambukiyenyi Onya / Dans en Choreografie – Danse et chorégraphie – Dance and Choreography: Hervé Loka Sombo, Divine Kodia, Oumar Diallo, Geraudy Bombile / Assistent-Choreograaf – Assistant Chorégraphe – Assistant Choreographer: Olivier Boko / Assistent-ontwerper – Assistant Stylisme – Styling Assistant: Sarah Oveneke / Muziekcomposities – Compositions musicales – Musical compositions:  Raffaelo Visconti, César Mukaz / Fotografie – Photographie – Photography: Kelvin Konadu, Karolina Maruszak / Coproductie – Co-production: Zinnema & KVS / Met de steun van – Avec le soutien de – With the support of: Mestizo Arts Platform/WIPCOOP

Mestizo Arts Platform