Cajá Manga Collective


Wipcoop & beyond


A world two hundred years in the future. Two sisters try find a solution for their existence in a polluted world.

In Between is about a special place. Two sisters contemplate their mortality and end up in a spacy trip through their memories. A chocolate fountain, a car-free world, a skeleton in a box.

Collectief Caja Manga Collectief is a company of young creators. With In Between, their second performance, they delve into the crossover between theater & cinema.

Play: Charlotte Verdick, Jilly Lukkesen / Direction: Lorena Pires / Technical direction: Bernard Peeters / Film for the WIP: Aron Quadu / Costume & scenography: Caja Manga Collective / With the support of RADAR Mechelen, WIPCOOP/MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM


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