Oertaal: excersises

In “Oertaal: Oefeningen” I want to experiment with drawings, short text fragments and other multidisciplinary miniatures to explore how we make things with words.

Enrica Camporesi.

In “Oertaal: Oefeningen,” I seek the form of a myth that can capture the dual creation of language and humanity. Within the framework of this myth, there is already a Primal Mother who has lost her giant son in far too many pieces. She is the breast and the belly, the food and the mouth, the ear and the word, the eye and the viewer. She is undoubtedly knowledgeable (she is a Primal Mother!) but what is all her knowledge for if it does not help save her creature?

The writing and telling of myth is part of an ongoing artistic investigation into the power of language as a performative key to belonging somewhere. For me, that means – currently – that through a language we come into relationship, share meaning (not) and therefore (can) belong. In Oertaal: Oefeningen, I want to experiment with drawings, short text fragments and other multidisciplinary miniatures to explore how we make things with words.

Credits: concept and making: Enrica Camporesi / production: MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM / technique: Rataplan / with thanks to Carl, Dario and Giorgio Cappelle // in artistic dialogue with Duraid Abbas Ghaieb (dramaturgy), Rona Kennedy (partner in conversation), Charlotte Peys (visual thinking), Hussein Shabeeb (video) / in ongoing conversation with 0090, Geert Belpaeme, Ahilan Ratnamohan, Sanne Van Rijn, Bart Van Den Eynde and colleagues from the Toneelacademie Maastricht

Stanza – On Proximity. An artistic investigation by Enrica Camporesi, Rona Kennedy and MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM (Fiëbre vzw) with the support of Rataplan, The Flemish Community and the City of Antwerp