Photo album: Pitch & Feedback Workshop


The WIPCOOP 2024-artists, along with the Roel Verniers Prize candidates, attended the Pitch & Feedback workshop led by Aïcha Cissé. During the workshop, the artists were given valuable tools to engage with audiences and arts professionals both during the creative process and after a performance.

How do you pitch a project? What makes your work unique? What makes it relevant (and is there actually such a thing as non-relevant work)? But also: how do you give feedback in an effective and efficient way? How do you ensure the authenticity and individuality of the creator during a round of feedback? And as an artist, how do you handle receiving feedback?

Inspired by the tried-and-true DAS method, Alesandra Seutin worked with MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM to develop this feedback method, which has been at the center of WIPCOOP days for years. In this way, the artists practiced giving and receiving feedback. It was an inspiring evening filled with candid conversations, new connections and – of course – delicious soup.

Thank you dear artists for the beautiful evening and merci Yasmin Holail Mohamed of Amplo and Frederike Van Lindt of Cultuurloket for your clear introductions.

Organized by Het TheaterFestival and MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM, this workshop took place in DeSingel’s Blue Foyer. Photos by Karolina Maruszak.