BRAINS ON RESIDENCIES online publication

A report and a growing working document of tips and insights.

CLICK HERE to browse the first BRAINS on residencies.

A look back at 3 years of residencies! Residents explain what they did and how they experienced that free space.
In this way, we also want to inspire other artists and art organizations: how do you do it, (help) develop an artistic practice? Indeed, each residency was simultaneously an experiment in residency design, and here we report on it. For each report, you can click through to more info.

This growing working document of tips and insights was helped fuel our May 25, 2023 “BRAINS roundtable discussions” with some 50 residents, artists and art workers. Together* we engaged in a conversation about the art of development and going into residency. Their collected experiences certainly do not offer a final answer, but aim to help everyone ask the right questions.


In collaboration with Rataplan, KVS, Nau Ivanow, Walpurgis, Ultima Vez, Monty, C o r s o and detheatermaker and with the support of Bovenlokaal Cultuurproject Kunstendecreet Vlaanderen, Stad Antwerpen and Arenberg, MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM was able to organize 3 years of residencies with Enrica Camporesi, Rona Kennedy, Ester Nadal, Les Mybalés, Junior Akwety, Maryam K. Hedayat, Lucila Guichón, Jennifer Baez Matos, Colectivo Lastesis, Tamayo Okano, Timur Magomedgadzhiev, Marthe Koning, Lila Magnin.

Thursday, May 25, we chatted with the artists about these residencies at [pick each other’s] BRAINS. Afterwards the guests could experience fragments of their artistic research in the SHARING PRACTICES PERFORMANCES with a look at the research of Enrica Camporesi & Rona Kennedy, Timur Magomedgadzhiev, Marthe Koning á … we celebrated that we have an operating grant for the next 5 years ánd that we are working at a new location ánd that we just love to bring all our friends together again.

*PARTICIPANT BRAINS: Gerardo Salinas (KVS), Femke Vanpoucke (Rataplan), Freija Bosmans (Rataplan), Eline Van Hoye (Fameus), Wouter Hillaert, Andrea Gallo Rosso, Chaib Idrissi, Karim Kalonji, Somalia Williamsson, Nerkiz Sahin, Sarah Kaerts (immaterial heritage workshop), Gosie Vervloessem (wpZimmer), Ester Torres (STORM OP KOMST), Hilde Vanhoutte (Ultima Vez), Kim Nzita Vangu (Rataplan), Hannelore Dreher, Isabelle Bats (La Balsamine), Saskia De Ronde (Zinnema), Alex Deijman, Max Greyson, Riet Meusen (WORKSPACEBRUSSELS), Steven Heene (Preserve the desire), Jinka Sarpong (Arenberg), Enrica Camporesi, Rona Kennedy, Lila Magnin, Marthe Koning, Tamayo Okano, Timur Magomedgazhiev, Junior Akwety, Lucila Guichón, Jennifer Baez Matos, Ester Nadal, Joana Rossi (Atelier Rojo), Charlotte Cornelissen (MAP), Mulanga Nkolo (MAP), Tine De Pourcq (MAP)


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