Zoe Chungong

choreography dance performance

Wipcoop & beyond


How we look affects how we experience the world. Attractive people are often treated better in our society, but pretty privilege also has a downside. In the three-part dance solo The Ethereal Paradox, Zoë Chungong explores the meaning of beauty.

In her triptych, Zoë outlines different ways a woman presents or deploys her body: three characters, each with a different dance style, each in a different era. From the Roaring Twenties over contemporary pop culture to a future where there may be only virtual beauties.

Zoe Chungong (she/her) studied contemporary dance and has been touring since 2021 with the performance Any attempt will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones by Jan Martens. This experience stimulated her to begin creating her own work. In 2023, Zoë took the first steps to create on her own within various residencies at Nona, Dansbrabant and Campo. She is part of the maker project Vaart van Fabuleus. Since 2024, she has danced along in What we can do together by Lisi Estaràs and Gaze by Laura Neyskens.

Concept, costumes, choreography and dance: Zoë Chungong – Coach, outside eye and dramaturgy: Mercedes Dassy – With support from Nona, Dansbrabant, Campo, Fabuleus and MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM/WIPCOOP.

Stay up to date with Zoe’s work via Instagram.


Antwerp Zoe (1)

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Mestizo Arts Platform vzw Zirkstraat 36, 2000 Antwerpen BE0874514782

Mestizo Arts Platform