Eli Mathieu Bustos

dance performance

Wipcoop & beyond


HAVE A SAFE TRAVEL is part of an investigation into the connection between astrology and dance. Based on the De Caelo technique, Eli presents a Work In Progress of his first solo. The piece is set around the first time Eli was subjected to an identity check. During his piece, you relive this dark day with him.’

Eli Mathieu-Bustos is a dancer-performer whose physical virtuosity allows him to transcend the various political identities that define him. Yet it is from them that his dances are born. Self-taught and passionate about improvisation, he is inspired by both dancehall and German expressionist dance.  In 2020, he created an improvisational technique – based on his practice of astrology – which he perfected in the studio. From this technique, a new dance style was born, called De Caelo.

Concept and choreography: Eli Mathieu Bustos / Avec le soutien de Citylab & MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM/WIPCOOP.

Work In Progress 2022 – Concept & choreography: Eli Mathieu Bustos / With the support of Citylab & MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM/WIPCOOP SPEELT 2023 – 2024 – Choreography, Dramaturgy, Performance, Concept Eli Mathieu-Bustos / Lighting design Maureen Béguin / Sound design Loucka Fiagan Production AnAku / Supported by MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM – WIPCOOP, KVS, La Bellone, Be My Guest – International Network for Emerging Practices, Kaaitheater, la Balsamine, DeSingel, AnAku, Arts Center BUDA with the Almost Summer|Feminist Futures Festival, Belluard Bollwerk festival, Short Theatre Festival / Outside eyes: Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Eric Cyuzuzo Niyobisi, Maria Dogahe, Ennassouh, Jazz Guyot, Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld, Brandon Kano Butare, Lucas Katangila, Krystel Khoury, Ana Kuch, Soto Labor, Sophie Sénécaut, Liza Siche-Jouan, Milø Slayers, Marie Umuhoza *Tour Planning AnAku,


Calendar >>>

Dec '24
Melisa Diktaş, Ping-Hsiang Wang & Eli Mathieu-Bustos RIGHT ABOUT NOW
De Brakke Grond
Jan '25
20:30 - 22:30
HAVE A SAFE TRAVEL – Eli Mathieu Bustos
Oct '24
20:30 - 22:30
HAVE A SAFE TRAVEL – Eli Mathieu Bustos
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Mestizo Arts Platform