#MAF17 W I P C O O P: Together is the revolution

“Like the legend of the phoenix
all ends with beginnings”

– Daft Punk, Get Lucky.

MAF mutates in 2017. The annual high mass of new urbanity must wear a skinny suit this time. So it’s going to be sexy on the dance floor this year.

#MAF17 consists mostly large of work developed in previous editions of WIPCOOP. This COOPeration of cultural organizations in Antwerp, Ghent and Brussels is shaping the Work In Progress project that helps new creators advance to the stage of the arts sector. MAF also serves as a festive setting for a new edition of WIPCOOP with no fewer than 20 creators taking us on the wondrous journey of their creative process. But there is more to discover on the program.

We are curious to hear what these innovators have to say and how. We look forward to that which takes place beyond all radars and gets ready to surprise us. We sincerely believe that this is where the future is born.

In 2017, MAF received a death blow. But even that doesn’t stop us. Rather, we mutate.

“We’ve come too far to give up who we are,” the heroes of Daft Punk verse in one of their most danceable songs. “So let’s raise the bar and our cups to the stars.”

We are raising the bar. Will you raise a glass with us?

Some highlights

  • WORK IN PROGRESS/WIPCOOP: A breeding ground for the new urban arts! This year Work In Progress by 10 Antwerp artists at Arenberg, 5 Brussels at KVS and 5 Ghent at Victoriadeluxe.
  • PRÊT-à-AIMER: monologue by Aïcha Cissé, spiked with autobiographical elements, literary research and a melting pot of testimonials from singles looking for a sweetheart.
  • TERLO, DIT IS JOUW PLEIN (STUDIO URBANIZATION): Artists Enrique Noviello, Mike De Ridder, Rona Kennedy, David Ramos and collective De Loods des Doods took Terlo Square as inspiration for an artistic investigation. The result is an interdisciplinary installation/performance.
  • KUZIKILIZA: Three very different men, Pitcho Womba Konga, Karim Kalonji and Joost Maaskant, give a speech together. For them, the ideal communication necessary for this consists of three elements: text, sound and movement.
  • PERFORMING THE SELF – THE INTERVIEW: A man and a woman sit facing each other. A protection officer and an asylum seeker wait for the interpreter. A conversation ensues. They flirt, philosophize and reveal their mutual expectations. By Enrica Camporesi and Elena Mazzi.

#MAF17 – W I P C O O P =

Fiëbre | Arenberg | KVS | Victoria Deluxe | Meeting and Cultural Centers Antwerp | City of Antwerp | Rataplan | Buro voor stedelijk enthousiasme (Toneelhuis & MARTHA!TENTATIEF) | Campo | kunstZ | Madam Fortuna | Kopergietery


d e t h e a t e r m a k e r | Let’s Go Urban | VOORUIT | Spreekuur (Podiumkunsten Minderhedenforum) | De Centrale | Rekto:Verso | Theaterfestival | Kunstenpunt | fABULEUS | Globe Aroma | workspacebrussels | Lezarts Urbains | Pianofabriek/Citylab | Transfo Collect (De Kriekelaar/RITCS) | Alerte Urbaine | GC De Vaartkapoen | NTGent | ARSENAAL/LAZARUS | Kultuurfaktorij Monty | wpZimmer | Antwerpen Boekenstad | MAS | Ambassade Mexico | Ambassade Argentinië | CC Matienzo

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Mestizo Arts Platform