Pour atteindre un niveau de liberté, on oscille entre peur du jugement et quête de validité. Il y a une forme de colère qui émerge de cela, un besoin d’exister et de pouvoir s’exprimer au croisement des identités de genre, de race, de classe… Azad, Freedom

What makes a certain movement masculine and another feminine? What attracts and intrigues Lila is the confusion and disconnection of genres to arrive at a less defined style.

Dance: Lila Magnin / With the support of le BAMP, WP Zimmer, WIPCOOP/MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM.

Lila Magnin is a dancer, choreographer and musician. She shares her visual and musical universe on stage and through social media. Azad is her first dance solo.

Also read the interview with Lila about AZAD during her residency at GC Essegem: click HERE.


© Karolina Maruszak https://youtu.be/1vEtkkUWqWs

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Mestizo Arts Platform vzw Zirkstraat 36, 2000 Antwerpen BE0874514782

Mestizo Arts Platform