New voices and stories in all their multidisciplinary and hybrid forms

MAP’s Work In Progress Coöperation is a long-term collaboration and a unique operation within the performing arts. Our main goal? To support emerging artists with the development of their creations and networks. WIPCOOP allow artists to grow, showcase their work and engage in conversation with the art industry and different audiences. Our partner organizations bring their own specialties to the table – from dramaturgy and residencies to production and programming – all in order to support & bring these artists to the stage.

There have been Works In Progress every year since 2009, and a lot of artists have been working professionally since their WIPCOOP-participation. → Read more about all the participating artists HERE

Learn more about how WIPCOOP works and how you – as an artist or organization – can participate!

We work, we meet, we talk, we progress

WIPCOOP revolves primarily around the annual Work In Progress days. These take place from September to December in Leuven, Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent. About 20 artists each show up to 30 minutes from a new creation to an audience of professionals and curious viewers. Right after each presentation, a conversation follows. Together we discuss and consider possible & concrete routes, interesting contacts or support – always tailored to the individual artist and their creation. MAP then remains a sparring partner and continues to help the artists think about the next steps, the support of possible partners & how to bring their (WIPs or finished) creations to the stage.

Matchmaking and flow

MAP pairs its own years of experience with those of its partners. For each city, we bring together a range of organizations that join forces in WIPCOOP. As a network, we start from the artistic individuality of each creator and look for the right support, such as rehearsal or residency space, coaching, production support and/or programming.

Growing (up) together

MAP monitors further development and collaborations with other (partner) organizations. We continually reinvigorate the work through residencies, showcases, prospecting days, etc., and fully deploy our communications to make each step visible. We also work on mutual dialogue, between artists and organizations, as well as among ourselves. How do we put the puzzle together? How can an organization support emerging creators? What are thresholds or recurring themes during a making process? Let’s talk about… well, that!

Wipcoop step by step

Each WIPCOOP edition is an all-year round development track with several stages.

1 March

  • Deadline to apply for the new WIPCOOP-season: March 1!

April-August: Kick Off preparations

  • WIPCOOP meeting: First meeting (per city) with all participating artists at the location where the presentations will take place.
  • Support: With finding rehearsal space, outside eye or other questions, preparation technique, planning and communication.
  • Pitch & feedback: Preparation for feedback sessions.

September-December: Work In Progress days.

  • Presentations: Artists show up to 30 minutes of their Works In Progress in Leuven, Brussels, Antwerp or Ghent.
  • Conversation: Pitch producers, dramaturges, workshops, programmers …
  • Communication: Photos, video footage, text…

February-April: Follow-up and selection

  • Per city: We discuss with our partner organizations the next steps to take for artists from previous edition(s) as well as the new candidates for the upcoming WIPCOOP edition.
  • Individual conversation: MAP has ongoing conversations with (partner) organizations and artists.

Next: Further Development

  • Follow-up steps: MAP discusses further development and opportunities for residencies, showcases, grant applications, etc. with every artist. We work on the feedback and contacts, received at WIPCOOP. And even when the year is finiished… MAP remains your sparring partner – with no end date!
  • Impulses provided by MAP:
    • #LET’S TALK ABOUT: Talks and workshops on topics such as “creating for young audiences,” “autobiographical work”; …
    • #RESIDENTIALACTIONS → [ More info: click HERE ]
      Get space, time and resources to further develop your work. MAP collaborates with several organizations for this purpose.
    • #PLAYS: Try-outs and premieres of your work in theaters through our network.
    • #PROSPECTION: Showcase your finished performance at the annual programmers’ day in January, in partnership with theater agency Thassos.
    • #COMMUNICATION: With personal emails/phone/meetings, a periodic newsletter, our website, social media and annual magazine, we highlight all artists and works. & WIPCOOP partners are communicating along!


Would you like to be involved in WIPCOOP as an organization? Email tine@mestizoartsplatform.be
Are you an artist who lives and/or works in Belgium and want to apply for WIPCOOP? Email paulien@mestizoartsplatform.be or tine@mestizoartsplatform.be.


Follow the artistic vibes in our cities and discover a new series of WORKS IN PROGRESS in Leuven, Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent starting in September!

Previous editions

2024 / 2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / …

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Mestizo Arts Platform vzw Zirkstraat 36, 2000 Antwerpen BE0874514782

Mestizo Arts Platform