The Unreliable Archives


Memories are unreliable, ask my mother

In “The Unreliable Archives,” I collect a quirky collection of autobiographical, scientific and historical materials. What can grow from the cross-pollinations between these materials? From interviews with family members and people from (post-)Apartheid South Africa combined with insights from botany and geology, I distill polyphonic texts, artifacts, sounds, and actions. What kind of de-composition can emerge from these gestures? How do we compost colonial ways of thinking? What does putting down roots and finding home mean?

The Unreliable Archives are open source, offline archives full of unreliable (collective) memories. I want to invite an audience to get their hands dirty, to read, think, feel with me. What possible shifts and rituals of transformation can occur in these encounters.

Credits: Creator: Rona Kennedy / Current partners: Workspace Brussels, CAMPO, MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM, Rataplan, Voo?uit, ONBETAALBAAR / In artistic dialogue with Kopano Morago (Dramaturg & coach), Sanne Van Rijn, Enrica Camporesi & Charlotte Peys (conversation partners), Célia Fechas (performance), Bart van den Eynde, Sophie de Somere, Steven Brys. Saskia Louwaard & Katrijn Baetens (Scenography), Duraid Abbas Ghaieb (movement and rituals) / Supported within the framework of the post-experience Masters in Theater (Directing and Scenography) at Toneelacademie Maastricht and with a short-term development grant within the Arts Decree of the Flemish Government.

Stanza – On Proximity. An artistic investigation by Enrica Camporesi, Rona Kennedy and MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM (Fiëbre vzw) with the support of Rataplan, The Flemish Community and the City of Antwerp