
Photo album WIPCOOP 2022 // Work In Progress BXL

WIPCOOP started with a BANG at KVS ! Enjoy this visual report by photographer Victoriano Moreno. And remember the names of the artists who did not leave the audience unmoved with their Work In Progress: Alex Masgutov, Emiliano Cedillo, Naïm Belhaloumi, Lorena Spindler, Eli Mathieu Bustos & Désirée Cerocién. During the breaks, the audience could […]

WIPCOOP 2021 – Aftermovie.

This was #wipcoop2021 hosted by Kaaistudio’s, Arenberg, NTGent Minnemeers & De Maan. This edition the artists shared their passion for Hip Hop, Krumping, Stepping, Salsa, House, Kpop, Latin Jazz & poetry, dance, theater, multidisciplinary and experimental work. An exceptional and varied trip with WORK IN PROGRESS about drarism, la société des ambianceurs et des personnes […]

6 x new Work In Progress for WIPCOOP BXL

This fall, expect a mix of theater, dance, circus and multidisciplinary work at WIPCOOP BXL in KVS! Brand new choreos, impro, images and texts, artistic research into connection, surrender, identity, inequality, politically charged bodies, astrology, legends … In short, save the dates for a look at what is brewing and developing in terms of new […]

Naïm Belhaloumi

SOMETHING IS COOKING – Naïm Belhaloumi(Cie Body Knows Better) mixes movement, music and theater. Starting from a very concrete feeling of abandonment, which contradicts the way he perceives himself and situates himself in life, always clinging to his dreams. In this case, he derives pleasure from abundance. There is something human and intimate in this […]

Lorena Spindler

Lorena Spindler (she) is a hybrid artist based in Brussels.
She conceptualizes artistic proposals in the form of text, choreography, performance, staging, clip for the rap scene, experimental film.
Her work focuses on questions about immediate sociological phenomena.

Emiliano Cedillo

Emiliano Cedillo is a juggler, acrobat and cabaret performer who grows up in a town in Mexico.
There he discovers that crime is daily bread and that being humble is one of the most beautiful things about being human.

#savethedates Work In Progress Bxl, Antwerp and Ghent

JOIN US and get to know what is buzzing and developing new stage creations in our cities! This edition hosts KVS (26 & 27.10) WORK IN PROGRESS by Désirée Cerocien, Eli Mathieu-Bustos, Lorena Spindler, Alex Masgutov, Naïm Belhaloumi and Emiliano Cedillo, Arenberg (08 & 09.11) WORK IN PROGRESS by Ivan Emanuel Rodrigues Farinha, Louai Hashem, […]


Take a look at the work of the artists who presented a Work In Progress at the Kaaistudio’s, Arenberg and NTGent Minnemeers during WIPCOOP 2021. In March, we land in Mechelen for a spring edition with new Work In Progress! WIPCOOP = MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM + ARENBERG, KVS, KUNSTZ, CAMPO, KAAITHEATER, TONEELHUIS, RATAPLAN, MARTHA!TENTATIEF, PLAY, […]


A review of SUBALTERNAS, a shared residency at MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM and KVS The LASTESIS Collective (Chile) collaborated with artists: Maryam K. Hedayat, Lucila Guichón and Jennifer Baez Matos. Together they zoomed in on the theme of subalternity (a state of subordination brought about by colonization or other forms of economic, social, racial, linguistic and/or […]


Nov. 18, the Lastesis Collective, Maryam Kamal Hedayat, Jennifer Baez Matos and Lucila Guichon launched an open call for the International Day to Combat Violence Against Women. The letters received in response to this call were read aloud (with the participation of other women/queers) and videotaped for the Beursschouwburg in Brussels and were processed into […]

PHOTOALBUM Subalternas

The LASTESIS Collective (Chile) is doing a ‘shared’ residency at MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM as well as KVS and is collaborating with artists Jennifer Baez Matos & Kamal Hedayat (Belgium) and Lucila Guichon (Berlin). Together they zoom in on the theme of subalternity (a state of subordination brought about by colonization or other forms of economic, […]

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Mestizo Arts Platform vzw Zirkstraat 36, 2000 Antwerpen BE0874514782

Mestizo Arts Platform