
Francisco Libobu-Hilair

In a world where everyone has to keep up and everything is supposed to be perfect, it becomes increasingly difficult to be vulnerable. People struggling with mental challenges often go unheard or experience a high barrier to talking about them. Hilair’s World breaks this silence with a personal monologue on mental well-being, based on the […]

David Labi

David Labi is a London-born storyteller.
He has lived in Buenos Aires, Tokyo, Berlin and now in Belgium.
With his agency Good Point, he helps NGOs and cause-driven campaigns reach people with empathy and creativity.
His artistic journey runs through workshops and experience design, magazine editing, TV news scriptwriting, filmmaking, literary translation, copywriting,… and since 2021 he has been taking his first steps toward performance theater.

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Mestizo Arts Platform vzw Zirkstraat 36, 2000 Antwerpen BE0874514782

Mestizo Arts Platform