

OUT LOUD is a process based creative crew made up of multidisciplinary artists. Starting from rhythm and improvisation, they explore the fluidity between different art forms. They bring together experimental music, performance, visual arts and video in the melting pot called theater. Vocals & Creative Direction: reinier – Bass: Yohan Calvo (Le Projet Insecte) – […]

Sefora Sam

Sefora Sam, also known as “Sesa,” is a spoken word poet, author and performer, from Antwerp. Sesa draws inspiration from life’s small and big moments. She is known for her sincere, vulnerable and brutally honest introspection through poetry. Her superpower transforms heartbreak, insecurity and childhood trauma into love, growth and self-acceptance.

Nadia Alhassanat

Nadia Alhassanat grew up in Gaza, Palestine. From an early age, she wrote poetry and short stories and was bitten by theater. Despite her family’s opposition, she chose a career in the arts and left for Algeria to pursue Theater and Film Studies and an acting degree.

© 2025 -

Mestizo Arts Platform vzw Zirkstraat 36, 2000 Antwerpen BE0874514782

Mestizo Arts Platform