between my sleeping and my dreaming between me and the one in me who I suppose I am a river flows without an end
Marthe Koning does the poems of Fernando Pessoa in What Pessoa taught me.
With her voice and body, she interprets his poems.
Ranging from unrecognizable growls to a classical recitation.
The audience determines the order and the improvisation that goes with it sets the course.
She never knows where she begins and where we all end.
Plurality of identity is her great driving force.
She gives voice to the heteronyms from which Pessoa wrote.
His philosophy she brings to life by bringing to the stage the boundlessness in herself.
Marthe Koning is one of the artists theheatermaker supports.
During this residency, she tests how to connect a certain continuity and flow with new things.
Shared Practices, Shared Research – A residency in collaboration with Corso, detheatermaker, Mestizo Arts Platform, Monty and Rataplan.
With the support of the Flemish Government and the City of Antwerp.