Souhaïla Amri

director performance write

Wipcoop & beyond


With her debut show, L’Ombre du Figuier (working title was: Histoires et Histoire), Souhaïla Amri wants to highlight forgotten stories. Inspired by her family (history), she explores how we remember those who came before us. Through storytelling, proverbs and symbolic objects, the play mixes true stories with invented ones, bringing our predecessors to life. The performance invites us to think about our own history and how we fit into the great story of humanity.

Production: Ras El Hanout – Play: Soulaymane Benali, Fatima Ezzahra Aqqal, Souhaïla Amri – Written and directed by Souhaïla Amri – Director: Mahir Mournin-Decor design: Zenel Laci – With the support of MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM/WIPCOOP. (Credits are incomplete and subject to change).

Souhaïla Amri (she/her) is schooled in history and cultural management and combines her passion for education and art. Her artistic involvement began with Ras El Hanout in 2017, with a piece titled Hacivat & Karagöz: De vluchetelingen van Antwerpen created as part of the Salam Aleykoum festival highlighting Ottoman culture. Then AMRI worked as co-director and actress on the play Chuut, which tells the stories and experiences of Muslim women. More recently, she worked on two projects in collaboration with KULeuven: an online series that aims to popularize “Critical Muslim Studies” through fiction, and a play/conference entitled Présumé-es coupables.


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Mestizo Arts Platform