Prince K. Appiah
mc rap schrijven theaterWipcoop & beyond
#WIPCOOP 2020Can men be their own biggest enemy? Can a drive for something be so big that the car never starts moving in the first place? While coping with existential questions, an artists’ frequent and seemingly random conversations end up not being so random after all.
The Bench
Toevallige ontmoetingen op een bank blijken toch niet zo willekeurig te zijn. The Bench is een voorstelling over de complexiteit en beproevingen die gepaard gaan met het kunstenaarschap.
“The bench is a play that deals with the complexities and hardships that come with being an artist. In it we see the perverse love relationship between an artist and his art, where he gives more then he receives to the point where he almost can’t give any more. In a nutshell it is about an artist that can’t seem to get out of his own head and way. He questions himself, his talent and even the position of the artist in society. The dilemma of wholeheartedly believing he is an artist tied with the fact that he can’t seem to make any art eats him alive and pushes him to the edge… Through frequent visits to the bench he seemingly has random conversations with different people that end up not being so random after all. Can he wake up out of his nightmare or has the damage been done?”
The Bench is een stuk geschreven en geregisseerd door Prince K. Appiah. Het word gespeeld door Prince K. Appiah zelf met o.a. Faisal Muhammadu, Gloria Abena Biney en Fadil Siraj Cole. Deze voorstelling is in het Engels.
Prince K. Appiah is rapper, schrijver, acteur en mc/host uit Antwerpen, hij vervolledigde zijn master Drama aan het Conservatorium.